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Employee Spotlight: Carlos

Employee Spotlight: Carlos

Why do you like working here?: “It is a great work environment. It feels like a second family.”

What is your team like?: “Fun and helpful. They are very special…”

What parts of our mission do you connect with?: “All of it. I am here for the company. That is why I came here; to do my best work.”

What have been your biggest accomplishments on our team?: “Being able to teach something to someone and have them go on to do it even better than I can.”

Who are some of your biggest inspirations within the company?: “Drew. He is a leader. He cares about how you feel when you come to work and when you leave. He will do everything in his power to make this a great work environment for everyone.”

What kinds of resources have you taken advantage of while on our team?: “The Earned Day System.”

What is the most unique part about working here?: “I would say how many opportunities there are to learn. I have learned how to install shutters, but I have also learned a lot about general construction and electrical. I could pretty much build a home. Now, I am learning more about the business side of things and how to run a company.”

How have you grown professionally while on our team?: “I have learned how to manage and work with different people. I have learned how to be a leader.”